Whether you’re preparing for a wedding, Quinceanera/Sweet 16, company event, or any other major event, nothing says it’s your special day like a custom monogram or logo. Showcase your initials, company logo, and/or event/wedding date to personalize the special occasion, create a focal point in the room with an elaborate design bearing your name, or opt for a simple design that pulls together your theme.
You’ll be able to choose from a variety of our monograms, including elegant swirls, damasks, classic monogram designs, modern designs, themed creations, and many more. Once you find the monogram that works with your event, we’ll move on to customizing that monogram or logo to meet your specific needs.
For more information on our
custom monograms and logos:


Everyone loved our monogram HPS created for us. In all we would like to thank you guys for making our night so awesome and memorable so guys if you planning an event I highly recommend HPS ENTERTAINMENT.
Wedding in Estero, FL

Patty is the best DJ in town!! Not only is she a great DJ, but she's professional and in complete control. It was so helpful that she had an assistant with her who could find my husband and I and keep us updated on what was happening throughout the night ("It's time to cut the cake, are you guys ready for that?," etc.) Patty also works great with you before the event to create a timeline of the night and ensure your favorite songs are played. She is incredible, thank you DJ Patty!
Wedding in Fort Myers, FL

HPS really made our wedding! The mix was perfect for keeping our family AND our friends happy. It was so wonderful to have everyone mixing together on the dance floor! The fun purple mood lighting they supplied also was a nice extra.